Weight training VS Cardio for Fat loss
Why i think weight training works better then cardio when trying to loose weight.
I try to limit the number of blank stares I receive when trying to explain why weight training is important for weight (fat) loss.
Yes, I understand there are many nuances to consider when breaking down the topic. This is a blog post, not a dissertation.
Comparing weight training and cardio accounting for intensity, cardio will almost always burn more calories compared to lifting weights – I’d say somewhere 2 times more. However, it’s what your body is doing afterwards, when you’re sitting at home binging Stranger Things on Netflix, that’s the difference maker. When you hop off the elliptical machine you’re pretty much done burning calories. However, when you lift weights, in the hours after, you’re not done. It goes by several names – Thermal Effect of Exercise, Afterburn Effect – but when you lift weights, you’re burning calories looooong after you’re done.”
My main reasons why weight training is more effective:
Again accounting for intensity, lifting weights, for all intents and purposes, breaks down muscle to a (much) larger degree compared to cardio. It takes energy to build that muscle back up. This requires more energy from the body. This is what’s often used to best explain the AfterBurn Effect mentioned above.
Muscle is more metabolically “active” tissue compared to fat. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest.
Cardio doesn’t build (that much) muscle. You lose weight, but then you just end up looking like a smaller, weaker version of your original self. Sad face.
At the end of the day, though, it does come down to personal preference and what people are actually going to do.
If someone really hates lifting weights or just really likes doing cardio…I’m going to encourage them to stick with whatever allows them to remain the most consistent.
But here's my FINAL say:
Don’t eat like a hungry whale!
After all, do both (cardio & lifting weights).
I usually suggest people they should prioritize 3-4 times per week of weight training and use their cardio to either compliment those days or serve as “bonus” days to get some exercise in.
I just feel the benefits of adding strength and muscle to the mix far out-weighs any misconceptions that may exist.